This is from the AJC. Cracked me up!
Groundhog's call: Spring is on way: 150 watch as Beau's shadow pulls no-show

photo: NICK ARROYO / Staff
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 02/03/06
Gen. Beauregard Lee has made his annual prediction. It looks like an early spring in Georgia.
The groundhog, who lives at the Yellow River Game Ranch in Lilburn, waddled nervously out of his house at 7:34 a.m. Thursday and didn't see his shadow.
A few minutes before Beau's prediction was made, it was announced that Punxsutawney Phil — a more famous groundhog in Pennsylvania — saw his shadow and therefore predicted more winter.
"Things are going to be cold and miserable for six more weeks — just what we'd expect in Pennsylvania," Art Rilling, the ranch's founder and the event's emcee, said.
The rite is much more than simply a weather prediction based on ancient folklore. (There are few television meteorologists who could get someone out of bed to stand around in 39-degree weather to see if a cold front is moving in.) It's a community event.
On Thursday morning, at least 150 people, some full of coffee, stood around for an hour and a half awaiting the woodchuck's 26th annual forecast.
Among those present were the event's honorary bell-ringer, Eric Lanford of Turner Broadcasting System; several people with a Feb. 2 birthday; and a fearless deer that joined the crowd although children occasionally tried to ride it.
The event's honorary woodchuck feeder was Cub Scout Jason Brown. What kind of grub do they feed a groundhog today? Why, hash browns — scattered, smothered, and covered.
That is not a joke.
Waffle House, which helped with the event, provided the side dish to go with the groundhog's daily vegetables.
Sarah Etheridge, 12, of Grayson, was one of the birthday girls at the event. She was chosen as the honorary V.I.P. to officially declare the marmot's prediction.
Sarah was hoping the fur-covered forecaster would see its shadow: "I want it to snow."
When asked what prediction it hoped the groundhog would make, the deer had no response. It did, however, look like it wanted some hash browns.