
I've spent the evening painting the word Detroit what feels like a bazillion times....OK, 60. And no, it didn't take the whole evening. I also burned some CDs for my friends Amy and Melinda because this weekend they're running in a marathon...or something like Austin. What will I be doing? Running around in the dark and trying not to trip over puppets. Not as much exercise, but still fun. I keep trying to convince myself to start running. Karen suggested that I run with Ohren (we're calling him sausage boy now) on Mondays because it's my "day off." That means I only go to one job that day. Meh.
Speaking of O, we gave him a tubby tonight. He did well and I think feels better.
Here he is with a sweater mom sent to him a while ago. He was wet and wanted to go outside so we put him in it....he wore his red sweater to work today.
I made an appointment to talk w/ Hank on Friday afternoon. He always makes me feel better and excited about being in design school, so that should prove to be productive. I've never really made an appointment with him, though. I figure it's time for him to get to know me - the student side, not the janitor side.
I leave you with images of Orange George, the relentless one. When she wants to be petted, she wants to be petted. It's on the edge of cute and annoying most of the time.
Tonight she just was cute.
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