Grey Gardens Party!

Jeffrey, as Little Edie and his wife Amy, as Big Edie.
Here are some photos from Jeffrey and Amy's Grey Gardens party. They turned their house into Grey Gardens, complete with lots of cats and plants all around and liver pate and ice cream (on crackers!?!) and other stuff from the film. Lots of us dressed up in our Best Costumes For The Day and celebrated Jeffrey's birthday.
Another set of Big and Little Edie.
"Do you think my costume looked all right for Brooks? I think he was a little amazed. This is the revolutionary costume! I never wear this in East Hampton!"
"Do you think I'm gonna look funny dancing? I do terrific dances!"
"'Course, I'm mad about animals, but raccoons and cats become a little bit boring. I mean, for too long a time."
"I'm gonna get naked in just a minute, so you better watch out!"
"This is the best thing to wear for today, you understand. Because I don't like women in skirts and the best thing is to wear pantyhose or some pants under a short skirt, I think. Then you have the pants under the skirt and then you can pull the stockings up over the pants underneath the skirt. And you can always take off the skirt and use it as a cape. So I think this is the best costume for today. "
One of the Maysles showed up.
"No, I'm not ready; I have no makeup on ... but things are getting better!"
"Oh, look. That cat's going to the bathroom right behind my portrait."
"Ughh, how awful."
"No, I'm glad. I'm glad somebody's doing something what they want to do!"
"It's very difficult to keep the line between the past and the present. You know what I mean? It's awfully difficult."
"Thank you for your card and your ice-cream, I love you very much!"