Every couple days I spend some time reading blogs - some are folks from school, some are random ones I've stumbled across. Sometimes I don't know the person - except I feel like I do. It's fun. Much more fun - well, less despressing - than cnn.com - which also is something I like to do - watch the video clips.
Anyway, it's not fair that I have a blog and don't offer the same ramblings, right?
So I resolve to be better at blogging and to at least post a photo or something every time I sit down to catch up on my blog-operas. Here's just some of what I've been up to in the past two months.

On our way to the Eugene O'Neill National Puppetry Conference Becky Ray, Kristin and I stopped by HERSHEY WORLD in Hershey, Pa. We actually didn't plan to do it, but we had time and saw that we were about to pass through the chocolate-laced town, so why not? This is in the gift shop. I have some disturbing photos of singing robot cows that were in the Hershey World equivalent of "It's a Small World After All" if you'd like to see, too.

Well, I don't have any great photos of the show I was in at the O'Neill conference - but it was about this girl in the photo named Cordelia. She's 13 and has acne and has her own personal super hero named Pussy (pronounced puh-see, but the director insisted on spelling it like that) who, yes, is a zit. I'll post better photos later, I hope. Trust me, the show was better than I make it sound. The director, Z, is here in the photo working on the puppet. She and I went to UConn together and now she is a New York puppeteer. Lucky.

Karen and I went to Michigan for a week to visit her family. Here we are on some shore of some lake. Not sure which. We brought sweet Ohren, who was not surprisingly awesome on the 12ish-hour car drive. He rocks.

We went to Chicago for a day. Karen and her sister Karol saw the King Tut exhibit and I went to Shedd Aquarium. I love me some aquariums...hadn't been to that one since I was in 7th grade.

Karen really likes James Dean. I'm beginning to really like him, too, now that I've watched a couple documentaries and she has told me more about him. We stopped in Indiana on our way back home to visit him. People leave him things....it's odd. Karen took three chocolate biscotti-type things off of his stone because they were attracting ants. She left him a $.25 plastic mood ring that I bought her from a bubble machine a few days before. It changed to blue...or green....or whatever color meant content after a minute on the stone. Guess he's happy.